But that used a lot of old style OpenGL/OpenGLES code, so now I am slowly hacking it to use newer stuff. So far I just made an svn repository with SDL2 code and got testgl.cpp and testgles.cpp to build on those five platforms. But setting up SDL2 has been a lot messier and more painful than I expected. Or should I be using a different library instead of SDL2 that is simpler & cleaner to setup? Basically I want to write OpenGL / OpenGLES (and maybe DirectX) cross-platform C++ code. Or is there some reason why they don't include such an example starting project or tutorial? Is there a better simple clean hello world project (eg colored cube, textured cube) that I can start from? And it's annoyingly over-integrated with SDLTest_Common code. Unfortunately, even this is full of old style fixed function calls like glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW).
However, the testgl.cpp one is horribly old (gl2 style), so I tried the testgles.cpp. I downloaded SDL2 and it was pretty easy to get their example testgles.cpp and testgl.cpp to build. Is there some super-easy basic hello world cube project (with setup tutorial) for SDL2 that builds and runs easily across (Windows, Linux eg Ubuntu, Mac OS X, Android, iOS), using modern OpenGL as in OpenGL 3.x or 4.x and OpenGLES 2.0 or 3.0?